The SmartSE project is one of the oldest and most successful projects of the prostep ivip association. For nine years now, the project partners have been addressing the question of what processes, formats, and tools are needed to enable the collaborative development and validation of complex products in a multi-stage supply chain. For example, they have evaluated the FMI standard (Functional Mock-Up Interface) for the exchange of simulation models, established a reference process for the exchange of these models, which is now also used in the joint project SET Level to validate autonomous driving functions, and defined Building Blocks for simulation-based decision-making.
Before the project enters Phase V, the project partners wanted to present their work results to date. Using showcases, they demonstrated the prototypical implementation of collaborative system development using existing standards or standards under development. In addition to the FMI standard for the exchange of simulation models, these include the SSP (System Structure & Parameterization) standard, which serves as a container for the exchange of simulation packages. In addition to the simulation tasks and models, these packages also contain information about the simulation process, i.e. the individual process steps and associated resources. They are described in the XML-based STMD format (Simulation Task Meta Data).
In one of the showcases, representatives from PROSTEP, Dassault Systèmes, eXXcellent solutions and PMSF IT Consulting demonstrated how these standards can be used to exchange simulation tasks and models between development partners with heterogeneous system environments.