PROSTEP | Newsletter

News about PROSTEP Products in a Nutshell

You can find all the information on the new features of the latest software versions here.

  • Feature Pack 2 for OpenPDM 9.7 was released in May. It supports 3DEXPERIENCE R2024x F01 and Cameo Teamwork Cloud R2024x and includes enhancements for cloud support with Windchill REST Services. In addition, the latest versions of some external libraries have been integrated, e.g. Camunda Modeler 5.21.
  • In addition to OpenPDM 9.7, the older versions OpenPDM 9.6 and 9.5, which are in standard support, have also been equipped with the latest libraries. We therefore recommend that our customers upgrade to the latest releases. OpenPDM 9.4 has no longer been supported as standard since the beginning of this year.
  • With OpenPDM 9.7.1, a new component for Single Sign-On (SSO) was introduced, which supports the LDAP, OAuth2, OIDC, SAML and Basic Auth procedures. They are also used by many PLM systems. This provides a comprehensive basis for the use of SSO in integration scenarios.
  • What was meant to be an April Fool's joke turns out to be a coveted new product: the OpenPDM Spotify connector. Our product development team actually wanted to use the music platform to test the connector template outside the PLM and ALM world and developed a prototype within one working day that can read the music metadata for albums and songs on Spotify.
  • PROSTEP does not prescribe to its customers which cloud infrastructure they should use. Various customers operate our data exchange platform OpenDXM GlobalX in cloud environments from Amazon, MS Azure and Google. A first customer has now installed the solution in the Alibaba cloud without any problems.
  • Regular pentests are part of a secure data exchange platform. Every year, our major customers in particular commission external testers to carry out intensive load and security tests. We are proud that we have just passed another test without any security gaps or complaints.
  • Version 4.3.3 of the batch processing framework (BPF) was released in April. A key feature of this version is support for the Python 3.12 interpreter.
  • At the same time, OpenDXM GlobalX 9.5.1 was launched with improved functions for the administration of post-processing, extended event logging and improved convenience when transferring files.
  • With the new “Object Comparison” function, users of our digital thread solution OpenCLM can now compare objects in different states with each other and thus better understand the development of an object.
  • In the current release, we have also improved the interactivity of the graph visualization. Objects can be expanded or hidden to adapt the scope of information and clarity to the needs of the respective user.
  • With the current release, all OpenPDM connectors from release 9.5 onwards can be used to access the information in the connected PLM systems and link them together. This means that even more relevant systems can be connected to OpenCLM.